What you should know before electing for surgery
Fees for cosmetic facial surgery are generally paid prior to surgery. Costs can vary greatly and depend on the complexity of the operation, duration of hospital stay, where the surgery takes place and which anaesthetic is administered.
As a rule, cosmetic facial surgery is considered "elective surgery" and is not covered by most insurance companies. Some operations that have a significant functional aspect - such as nasal (septal) cartilage alignment which can interfere with breathing - may be considered reconstructive rather than cosmetic. It may be recommended that your insurance company (if any) be contacted before surgery to determine whether cover is available.
Who should perform the Surgery?
Never choose a surgeon solely on the basis of lower cost. You should entrust your face or body to the surgeon with whom you feel most comfortable. Professional affiliations and membership of surgical societies are factors to be considered, but demonstration of surgical specialisation in the anatomical region of the proposed operation is most important.
Surgical Facilities
Cosmetic facial surgery is generally performed in a hospital theatre environment, under a general anaesthetic, but may be performed as an out-patient procedure under local anaesthetic.
Risks and Complications
Cosmetic facial surgery, like all surgery, has risks. Thousands of successful operations are performed each week, but as with any type of surgery, a person can have an adverse reaction to the anaesthetic or be affected by postoperative complications. These problems can occur even when the surgeon has performed the operation with the utmost skill. Fully informed patient consent is essential to any medical or surgical treatment, and should be fully discussed relative to your particular surgery.
Recovering from Your Surgery
For most cosmetic facial plastic surgical procedures, you will need to restrict your normal activities for a time following surgery. It takes time for the visible signs of healing to subside. Plan your work and social activities to allow sufficient time for recovery.
More specific details can be found via the procedure links above. This information will give you a basic understanding of the procedures, when surgery can help, how it's performed, and what results you can expect. This site cannot answer all your questions, since a lot depends on your individual circumstances. Please be sure to ask if there is anything you do not understand about the procedures.